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EU Policies Supporting the Renovation

The European Union (EU) is on a mission to become climate-neutral by 2050, and energy-efficient renovations play a crucial role in achieving this goal. Let's explore the existing policies and upcoming changes that shape the landscape for renovating your home towards sustainability.

1. The Current Framework

  • EU Green Deal: Launched in 2019, it sets the ambitious target of reaching climate neutrality by 2050.
  • 2030 Climate and Energy Framework: This framework establishes key targets for 2030, including at least 40% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, 32% share for renewable energy, and 32.5% improvement in energy efficiency.

Key Directives

  • Energy Efficiency Directive (EED): Promotes energy efficiency across all sectors, including buildings.
  • Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD): Sets minimum energy performance requirements for new and existing buildings, with a vision of "nearly zero-energy buildings" by 2050.
  • Renovation Wave: This initiative aims to double the renovation rate of buildings by 2030, focusing on energy efficiency and sustainability.

2. Looking Ahead

Fit for 55 and REPowerEU Plans: These plans propose revisions to the 2030 framework, aiming for:

  • Increased emission reduction target to 55% by 2030.
  • Enhanced energy efficiency target of 39%.
  • Increased share of renewable energy to 45%.
  • Expanding the Emission Trading System to new sectors like buildings and transport.

3. What These Policies Mean for You

  • Strong support for energy-efficient renovations: Expect more financial incentives, stricter regulations, and increased awareness about the benefits of upgrading your home.
  • Potential financial benefits: Grants, tax breaks, and lower energy bills can make renovations more affordable and attractive.
  • Contribution to a greener future: Your renovated home will not only save you money but also help tackle climate change.

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Country-Specific Information:

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Renovation Policies:

  • Permits: Building permits are required for most renovations. Complexity varies based on project scope.
    • Simple cosmetic changes may require a simpler notification process.
    • Structural modifications or work on historical buildings require more complex permits and approvals from architects or cultural authorities.
  • Approvals: Consult an architect or engineer to determine if your project needs their involvement for permits or technical expertise.
  • Resources:
    • Ministry of Environment & Energy: (Greek)
    • Technical Chamber of Greece (TEE): (Greek & English)

Funding Options:

  • "Εξοικονόμηση κατ' οίκον" Program: Offers grants for renovations that improve energy efficiency (e.g., insulation, windows).
  • Tax Deductions: Enjoy up to 40% deduction on expenses for energy-saving renovations and disabled accessibility improvements.
  • "Ανακαινισμός κατοικιών" Program: Provides financial support for renovations in designated urban areas.
  • Resources:
    • Development Fund of Greece: (Greek & English)

Legislation & Standards for Energy Efficiency Renovations:

  • Greece adheres to the European Union's Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).
  • National regulations set minimum energy performance requirements for renovations.
  • Most renovations require a PEA (Energy Performance Certificate) to assess the building's energy efficiency before and after the project.
  • Resources:
    • Hellenic Ministry of Environment & Energy - Energy Efficiency: (Greek)

Initiatives in Place:

  • "Renovation Wave" is a national strategy promoting energy-efficient building renovations.
  • Public awareness campaigns educate homeowners on the benefits of energy efficiency and available resources.

Additional Considerations:

  • Always consult with a qualified architect, engineer, or contractor to ensure your renovation plans comply with regulations and achieve your desired outcome.
  • Stay updated on the latest funding programs and initiatives, as these can change frequently.


Renovation Policies:

  • Permits: Permit requirements vary by region and project complexity.
    • Minor renovations may only require a "declaración responsable" (responsible declaration) from a technical architect.
    • Larger renovations or those affecting structural elements typically require a full building permit.
  • Approvals: Involving a technical architect or engineer is often mandatory for larger renovations or those requiring a full building permit.
  • Resources:
    • Ministry of Transport, Mobility and Urban Agenda (MITMA): (Spanish)
    • National Council of Architects of Spain (CSCAE): (Spanish & English)

Funding Options:

  • PREE (Programa de Rehabilitación Energética de Edificios): This program offers grants and subsidized loans for renovations that improve energy efficiency. Eligibility and funding amounts vary depending on the specific project and region.
  • Regional Programs: Many Spanish regions have additional funding programs for specific renovation types, such as facade improvements or accessibility upgrades. It's crucial to check with your local authorities for available programs.
  • Tax Deductions: You can deduct up to 20% of income tax on certain renovation expenses, with higher deductions for energy-efficient improvements.

Legislation & Standards for Energy Efficiency Renovations:

  • Spain follows the European Union's Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).
  • National regulations define minimum energy performance requirements for renovations.
  • An Energy Performance Certificate (Certificado de Eficiencia Energética - CEE) is mandatory for most renovations. This certificate assesses the building's energy efficiency before and after the project.

Initiatives in Place:

  • The Spanish government actively promotes energy-efficient renovations through the "Plan Estatal de Vivienda" (State Housing Plan). This plan includes financial incentives and technical assistance programs.
  • Several regional governments and municipalities also have initiatives to encourage sustainable renovations.

Additional Considerations:

  • Consult with a qualified architect or engineer familiar with Spanish renovation regulations to ensure your project adheres to all requirements.
  • Explore the websites of your regional government and local municipality for specific funding programs and initiatives relevant to your location.


Renovation Policies:

  • Permits: Permit requirements depend on the project scope and potential impact.
    • Simple renovations (painting, flooring) might only require a "comunicação prévia" (prior notification) to the local authorities.
    • More complex renovations involving structural changes, building expansions, or historical buildings necessitate a full building permit ("alvará de construção").
  • Approvals: Depending on project complexity, involvement of an architect or engineer may be mandatory for permit applications and technical expertise.
  • Resources:
    • Ministry of Environment and Climate Action (APA): (Portuguese)
    • Architects' National Council (OA): (Portuguese & English)

Funding Options:

  • "Programa Vale eficiê": This program offers grants and subsidized loans for energy-efficient renovations (insulation, windows, renewable energy systems). Eligibility and funding amounts vary by project type and income level.
  • Tax Deductions: You can deduct up to 50% of income tax on certain renovation expenses, with increased deductions for energy-efficient improvements and accessibility upgrades.
  • Eco Crédito: This is a "green loan" program offering preferential interest rates for renovations that improve energy efficiency or water conservation.

Legislation & Standards for Energy Efficiency Renovations:

  • Portugal adheres to the European Union's Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).
  • National regulations set minimum energy performance requirements for renovations.
  • An Energy Performance Certificate (Certificado Energético de Edifícios - CEE) is mandatory for most renovations. This certificate assesses the building's energy efficiency before and after the project.

Initiatives in Place:

  • The Portuguese government actively promotes energy-efficient renovations through the "Programa Nacional de Reabilitação Urbana" (National Urban Rehabilitation Program). This program provides financial incentives, technical assistance, and streamlined permitting processes for renovations in designated urban areas.
  • The "Portugal 2020" program also allocates funds for sustainable construction practices, potentially benefiting renovation projects.

Additional Considerations:

  • Consulting a qualified architect or engineer familiar with Portuguese renovation regulations is crucial to ensure your project complies with all requirements.
  • Explore the websites of the APA (environmental agency) and local authorities for specific guidelines and potential permit exemptions for minor renovations.


Renovation Policies:

  • Permits: Permit requirements depend on the project's size and impact on the structure.
    • Minor works, like painting or changing flooring, may only require a "déclaration de travaux" (declaration of works) filed with the local mairie (town hall).
    • Larger renovations involving structural changes, exceeding a certain surface area, or impacting historical buildings necessitate a full building permit ("permis de construire").
  • Approvals: An architect's involvement might be mandatory for significant structural changes or permit applications for complex projects.
  • Resources:
    • Ministry of Ecological Transition: (French)
    • National Council of the Order of Architects (CNOA): (French)

Funding Options:

  • MaPrimeRénov': This government grant program provides financial assistance for energy-efficient renovations, with amounts based on income and project type.
  • Tax Credit for Energy Transition (CITE): This tax credit offers deductions on income tax for eco-friendly renovations, incentivizing sustainable improvements.
  • Eco-Prêt à Taux Zéro (Eco-PTZ): This program offers interest-free loans specifically for energy renovation projects, making eco-friendly upgrades more accessible.

Legislation & Standards for Energy Efficiency Renovations:

  • France adheres to the European Union's Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).
  • National regulations define minimum energy performance requirements for renovations.
  • An Energy Performance Certificate (DPE - Diagnostic de Performance Energétique) is mandatory for most renovations sold or rented. This certificate assesses the building's energy efficiency before and after the project.

Initiatives in Place:

  • The French government actively promotes energy-efficient building renovations through the "Plan de rénovation énergétique des bâtiments" (Building Energy Renovation Plan). This plan provides financial incentives, technical assistance, and information campaigns to encourage sustainable renovations.
  • Several regional governments and municipalities also have initiatives to support energy-efficiency in buildings, offering additional funding or simplified permitting processes.

Additional Considerations:

  • Consulting with a qualified architect or contractor familiar with French renovation regulations is recommended to ensure your project complies with all requirements.
  • Explore the websites of your local authorities and relevant ministries for the latest information on funding programs and potential regional initiatives applicable to your renovation project.


Renovation Policies:

  • Permits: Permit requirements depend on the project scope and potential impact.
    • Simple renovations (painting, flooring) might only require notification to the local building inspectorate ("zawiadomienie o zamierzeniu wykonania robót budowlanych").
    • More complex renovations involving structural changes, building expansions, or exceeding a certain area necessitate a full building permit ("pozwolenie na budowę").
  • Approvals: Depending on project complexity, involvement of an architect or engineer may be mandatory for permit applications and technical expertise.
  • Resources:
    • Ministry of Construction and Development: (Polish & English)
    • National Chamber of Architects (Izba Architektów RP): (Polish & English)

Funding Options:

  • "Czyste powietrze" Program: This program offers grants and subsidized loans for renovations that improve energy efficiency and reduce air pollution (e.g., insulation, heating system upgrades). Eligibility and funding amounts vary by project type and income level.
  • Thermomodernizacja Program: This program provides financial support for thermal modernization projects in
  • Tax Deductions: You can deduct certain renovation expenses (up to a specific limit) from your income tax base, with potential benefits for energy-efficient improvements.

Legislation & Standards for Energy Efficiency Renovations:

  • Poland adheres to the European Union's Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD).
  • National regulations set minimum energy performance requirements for renovations.
  • An Energy Performance Certificate (Śiadectwo charakterystyki energetycznej budynku) is mandatory for most renovations sold or rented. This certificate assesses the building's energy efficiency before and after the project.

Initiatives in Place:

  • The Polish government actively promotes energy-efficient renovations through national programs like "Czyste powietrze" and "Termomodernizacja." These programs provide financial incentives and technical assistance to encourage homeowners to improve their building's energy performance.
  • Several regional and local authorities also have initiatives to support energy-efficient renovations, offering additional funding or simplified permitting processes.

Additional Considerations:

  • Consulting a qualified architect or engineer familiar with Polish renovation regulations is crucial to ensure your project complies with all requirements.
  • Explore the websites of the Ministry of Construction and Development and your local authorities for specific information on permits, funding programs, and potential regional initiatives applicable to your renovation project.


National and Regional Strategies

  • National Energy and Climate Plan 2030 (NEKP 2030): This plan sets a long-term goal for a climate-neutral and competitive economy. It includes over 100 measures to improve energy efficiency in buildings, among other sectors.
  • Long-term Strategy for Building Renovation: This strategy analyzes Latvia's real estate situation and outlines plans for renovations and new energy-efficient buildings, leveraging EU funding.
  • Covenant of Mayors for Energy and Climate: 17 Latvian municipalities have signed this covenant, demonstrating their commitment to reducing energy consumption and emissions.
  • Strategy for Low-Carbon Latvia for Development Until 2050: This strategy aims to limit climate change while boosting economic competitiveness and citizen well-being.
  • Sustainable Energy Action Plans: Municipalities and planning regions develop action plans outlining their energy efficiency goals and strategies.
  • Energy Management Systems: Municipalities and state institutions with large buildings (>10,000 m²) are required to implement energy management systems.

Initiatives in Place

Latvia implements various initiatives to promote energy efficiency and reduce greenhouse gas emissions:

  • Financial Instrument for Climate Change (KPFI): This state budget program funds projects like improving energy efficiency in public buildings and schools, deploying electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and promoting renewable energy in households.
  • Emission Allowing Instrument (EKII): Another state budget program, EKII finances initiatives such as increasing building and equipment energy efficiency, expanding renewable energy use, and developing climate change adaptation strategies.
  • Modernisation Fund: This EU mechanism supports low-carbon investments, including energy efficiency improvements in buildings and industry.
  • LIFE Programme: This EU program co-funds innovative projects that contribute to environmental and climate goals, including energy efficiency in buildings.
  • State Budget Support: The Latvian government offers financial support for installing solar panels and switching to renewable energy sources in private houses.
  • Horizon and Interreg Projects: Latvian institutions participate in EU projects focused on climate, environment, and energy efficiency.

Other Initiatives

  • Green Loans: Latvian banks offer green loans with favorable terms for projects promoting renewable energy, energy efficiency, clean transport, and sustainable practices.
  • Altum Development Finance Institution: Altum provides loans and grants for companies to implement energy efficiency measures, purchase sustainable transport and renewable energy technologies, and renovate or build energy-efficient buildings.
  • EU Recovery Fund: This fund supports green and digital transitions, with a portion allocated to Latvia for improving energy efficiency in multi-apartment and private houses, public buildings, and commercial buildings.